

Kindergarten for our students is an opportunity to develop and experience language, numbers, daily Bible lessons, science and social studies mini lessons, as well as opportunities to practice social skills. Kindergarten students must be five years old by September 1.

Our youngest students also benefit from weekly special classes for PE, art, music, and library.

Kindergarten focuses on the 26 letters of the alphabet. Students systematically learn to read and write letters, to associate letters with sounds, to blend letter-sounds to form words and sentences, and to read and write phonetically regular words as well as Sight Words.


Additionally, they will learn how to:

  • Write capital and lowercase forms of letters, and to use them in writing words and sentences.
  • Blend sounds to read, and segment sounds to spell.
  • Read 75 Sight Words.
  • Improve listening comprehension skills.
  • Practice vocabulary skills.
  • Hear fluency modeled.
  • Create shared, dictated, and individual writing.

Bible instruction includes the following:

  • Multiple opportunities for children to commit to saving faith in Jesus Christ.
  • Development of an ongoing personal relationship with Jesus.
  • Specific age-appropriate engagement with the Scriptures.
  • Daily opportunities to apply to their life’s Biblical truths.
  • Emphasis on developing Christ like characteristics.
  • Connection of Biblical principles to real-life needs.

For one day each week, our daily Bible class is supplemented with an elementary chapel service filled with engaging songs, lessons, and a time of corporate prayer.

Our full day program provides a wonderful opportunity of academic instruction, special activities, and organized play for a growing five-year-old in God’s world.


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